Monarch Butterfly Adoption Kit

Sale price$45.00

Tax receiptable amount: $30.00*

How Funding Will Help
Monarch butterfly adoptions will support the work of Peter Soroye, Key Biodiversity Areas Assessment and Outreach Coordinator at Wildlife Conservation Society Canada, in Saskatchewan. Key Biodiversity Areas (or KBAs) are a globally-recognized designation for the most critical sites for nature on our planet – areas that have global value for conservation due to their outstanding ecological integrity, globally important ecosystems, or significant populations of animals, fungi and plants. It is essential to identify, map, monitor and conserve KBAs in order to safeguard these sites; and this is exactly what Peter and his team are doing in Saskatchewan.
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More About the Project

is currently home to eight KBAs, but there are dozens of additional candidate
sites across the province. Many of these are grasslands; one of the most
endangered ecosystems on Earth, and crucial habitat for monarch butterflies. Canada’s
grasslands continue to disappear due to human development and climate change,
and Peter aims to help conserve them by ensuring that the most important sites
are designated as KBAs.

About Monarch butterflies

Did you know that monarch butterflies have one of the longest migrations of any animal? Every year they travel up to 6,000 miles round trip, making the journey south to spend their winters in Mexico and then travelling north to breed in the grassland habitat they call home for the summer.

Weight: 0.25 - .075 grams
Habitat: Grasslands, meadows
Diet: Herbivore

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Sandra Sims

Beautiful ❤️


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